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November 2, 2009

by Karen

I love the fall! For me, it is a time of reflection.

Last year at this time, I was at a writer’s conference at a Lutheran retreat center in Carefree, AZ (Spirit in the Desert). How strange it seemed to be in the desert in the late days of October in a place where there weren’t obvious signs of the season to this resident of the northeast. A year later, however, I find that I miss the place. The desert had some surprises for me. In this dry place my prayer life came alive.


Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, Carefree, AZ

While I was there, I walked the labyrinth located on the grounds of the retreat center. On one particular morning, I was surprised by my experience there.  This time the labyrinth taught me a new way to pray.


The labyrinth


As I walked through the labyrinth, I was keenly aware of the direction I was facing no matter where I moved. The sun was rising in the east. There were no trees to obstruct the view of the horizon. For some reason, I was inspired to connect a direction with a season of the year and an element:

AprilFlowers2008 010Looking to the east, I thought of the ocean with which I was most familiar (the Atlantic) so I thought of water as I looked east. Spring is the season I think of when I look east. Everyday the sun starts a new day as it rises in the east. That’s how I make the connection with spring: newness.

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Looking south, I thought of the equator and the sun. Summer was the season that easily came to mind – and fire was the element. That seemed to be an easy correlation for me!

October2008 092Turning to the west, autumn was the season and wind was the element. I think of the wind moving from west to east most of the time. It also made sense that with the winds comes the autumn frost.

Richland MI 200835

Winter was the season I connected with facing north. Earth was the element because I thought of the Grand Canyon and the farm lands that were to the north of where I stood in that place.


What happened next also came as a surprise to me because questions came to me – connecting people and events with the seasons and elements. I used the seasons and elements as a starting point for prayer.  These are the reflections I had as I thought about the elements:

East: Water

  1. What are the characteristics of water? (flowing, life-filled, refreshing)
  2. Who are the people  in my life – saints from every time and place – who remind me of water?
  3. Pray and give thanks for the people who remind me of water.

South: Fire

  1. What are the characteristics of fire? (linked with passion, intensity)
  2. Who are the people in my life – saints from every time and place – who remind me of fire?
  3. Pray and give thanks for the people who remind me of fire.

West: Wind

  1. What are the characteristics of wind? (wind blows where it will, unsuspecting, affects things without being seen)
  2. Who are the people in my life – saints from every time and place – who remind me of wind?
  3. Pray and give thanks for the people who remind me of wind.

North: Earth

  1. What are the characteristics of earth? (solid, firm, foundation)
  2. Who are the people in my life – saints from every time and place – who remind me of earth?
  3. Pray and give thanks for the people who remind me of earth.

I thought this was a great way to think about the gifts that people have to offer. It was a wonderful opportunity to pray for them.


The seasons also inspired ways of praying.

East – Spring

  1. What are the characteristics of spring? (time of new life just starting, time of birth)
  2. Where in my life, in the community and the world are there signs of spring, new life? What is struggling to be born within myself?
  3. Pray for the new life that is emerging in these places.

South – Summer

  1. What are the characteristics of summer? (deep green grasses, fruits maturing, life abundant, fertility)
  2. Where in my life, in the community and the world are there signs of summer? Where are things taking root? What are the “fruits” God has given me and others?
  3. Pray for these things.

West – Autumn

  1. What are the characteristics of autumn? (leaves falling, letting go; days getting shorter)
  2. Where in my life, in the community and the world are their signs of autumn? Where are things breaking away? Brokenness? Fading?
  3. Pray for these things.

North – Winter

  1. What are the characteristics of winter? (life in the earth seems to be dead)
  2. What in my life, in the community and the world has to die in order that new life can come forth? What places in the world does death seem too ever-present?
  3. Pray for these things.

I’m not in Arizona this year walking the labyrinth. But, I have compensated by posting pictures in the little chapel in our synod office. I’ve got pictures of the seasons, pictures of the elements – and they remind me of God’s gift of creation and how these gifts can point me to others and back to God.

What prayers are meaningful to you? Have you ever had a prayer experience that surprised you? Please share in the comment box below!

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